Commemoration of National Education Day: Head of Binmas Polres Aceh Timur Becomes Ceremony Inspector at MAN IC Aceh Timur
Aceh Timur, Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (MAN) Insan Cendekia Aceh Timur held a ceremony to commemorate National Education Day (Hardiknas). The ceremony, held in the schoolyard, was attended by the Principal, all students, teachers, educational staff, and employees on Thursday, (May 2, 2024).
The National Education Day (Hardiknas) ceremony featured students from the eleventh grade as the ceremony officers and was attended by AKP Muhammad Daud, SH, Head of Binmas Polres Aceh Timur, who acted as the ceremony inspector.
In his address, AKP Muhammad Daud, SH, read a speech from the Minister of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia, Anwar Makarim:
"Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,
Peace be upon us all,
Om swastiastu,
Namo buddhaya,
Greetings of virtue,
My fellow countrymen,
The last five years have been a remarkable period in our journey at Kemendikbudristek. Leading the Merdeka Belajar movement has made us more aware of the challenges and opportunities we have to advance Indonesian education.
It is not easy to transform a very large system. It is not a simple task to change perspectives on the learning process. At the beginning of this journey, we realized that making changes requires struggle. Discomfort accompanies every step towards improvement and progress."
Furthermore, in his address, AKP Muhammad Daud, SH emphasized the importance of education in shaping the character of the younger generation. He stated, "National Education Day is not just a celebration, but also a moment to reflect on the crucial role of education in nation-building. Through education, we shape a generation that is intelligent, with integrity, and has the spirit to contribute to the advancement of Indonesia."
The Principal of MAN IC Aceh Timur, Zulkarnain, S.Pd.I., M.A., expressed his gratitude for the presence of AKP Muhammad Daud, SH at the National Education Day (Hardiknas) ceremony. He also emphasized the importance of collaboration between MAN IC Aceh Timur and the police in creating a safe and conducive educational environment. (Public Relations of MAN IC)
