Head of MAN IC Aceh Timur Appoints Deputy Head of Madrasah, Head of Laboratory, and Head of Library
By Admin
12 Juni 2024
Aceh Timur, 12 June 2024 – Head of Madrasah Aliyah Negeri Insan Scholar (MAN IC) Aceh Timur, Zulkarnain, S.Pd.I, MA, today officially inaugurated 5 Deputy Heads of Madrasas, 3 Heads of Laboratories and 1 Head of Library, which took place at The Integrated Learning Center (PPT) was attended by the Head of the Ministry of Religion for Aceh Timur H. Salamina, S.Ag., MA, all teachers and students of MAN Insan Intellectuals in Aceh Timur.
From the Decree of the Head of MAN Human Scholars of Aceh Timur regarding the Appointment of Teachers who were given additional duties as Deputy Head of Madrasah, Head of Laboratory and Head of Library at the State Madrasah Aliyah Human Scholars of Aceh Timur for the period 2024 - 2026 which was read by the Administrative Head of MAN IC Aceh Timur Adwansyah, SE:
The names appointed as Deputy Head of Madrasah, Head of Laboratory and Head of Library:
1. Deputy Head of Madrasah for Academic Affairs: Dr.H. Uun Dwi Al Muddatstsir, S.E., MA.
2. Deputy Head of Madrasah for Student Affairs: Fahrul Annas, M.Pd who previously served as Deputy Head for Student Affairs
3. Deputy Head of the Madrasah for Dormitory Affairs: Indra Saputra, Lc
4. Deputy Head of Madrasah for Facilities and Infrastructure Khairul Wasif, S.Pd who previously served as Deputy Head for Dormitory Affairs
5. Deputy Head of Madrasah for Public Relations and Human Resource Development. Nurul Hiadatullah, Rb, S, Pd.I who previously served as Deputy Head of Facilities and Infrastructure
6. Head of Laboratory: Firdaus, S.Ag., Religious Affairs, who previously served as Head of Library
7. Head of Laboratory: T. Mustafa, S.Pd., Gr. in the field of Natural Sciences (IPA). previously served as deputy Head of Academic Affairs
8. Head of Computer Laboratory: Surya Putra, S.d., Gr
9. Head of Library: Muhammad Rifyal Fahmi, SH.I, M.H
Head of MAN IC Aceh Timur Zulkarnain, S.Pd., MA, said that this inauguration was part of efforts to improve the quality of education at MAN IC Aceh Timur. "We hope that with the appointment of this new official, the performance of the madrasah will be better and can provide optimal educational services to students," he said.

Head of the Ministry of Religion for Aceh Timur H. Salamina, S.Ag., MA, in his remarks I congratulated you on your new mandate as Deputy Head of Madrasah. I am confident that with the experience and competence I have, I can support and strengthen leadership at MAN IC Aceh Timur, and together create a conducive learning environment and achievement. he said.

This inauguration event ended with a joint prayer and congratulations from all attendees to the newly appointed Deputy Head of the Madrasah. With this inauguration, it is hoped that MAN IC Aceh Timur can continue to innovate and improve achievements both at regional and national levels.