Security Personnel of MAN IC Aceh Timur Trained by Head of Binmas Polres Aceh Timur to Enhance Professionalism


Aceh Timur, May 2, 2024 – The Security Personnel (Satpam) at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (MAN) Insan Cendekia Aceh Timur have undergone professional development through a training program conducted by the Head of Binmas Polres Aceh Timur.

This training is part of the efforts by Polres Aceh Timur, led by AKP Muhammad Daud, SH, to enhance the quality and discipline of security personnel serving at various institutions in the region. The program includes specialized training for the Satpam of MAN IC Aceh Timur, covering their duties and responsibilities, security techniques, and emergency situation handling.

All Satpam members at the madrasah participated in the training. They welcomed the program, viewing it as an opportunity to improve their skills and perform their security duties more effectively and professionally.

AKP Muhammad Daud, SH, Head of Binmas Polres Aceh Timur, emphasized the importance of collaboration between the police and educational institutions in maintaining security and order within school environments. "Security personnel are the frontline in safeguarding various institutions, including schools. Through this training program, we hope that the Satpam will be better prepared and capable of handling various situations that may arise," said AKP Muhammad Daud, SH.

The Principal of MAN IC Aceh Timur, Zulkarnain, S.Pd.I., M.A., expressed his gratitude to the Head of Binmas Polres Aceh Timur for enhancing the professionalism and service quality of the Satpam at MAN IC Aceh Timur. "We are very grateful for the training conducted by the Head of Binmas Polres Aceh Timur for our Satpam. This training is very meaningful for us in improving the skills and discipline in performing security duties within the madrasah environment," he said.

The training program by the Head of Binmas Polres Aceh Timur is expected to significantly benefit the professionalism and service quality of the Satpam at MAN IC Aceh Timur, thereby providing a sense of safety and comfort for the entire madrasah community in conducting teaching and learning activities. (Public Relations of MAN IC)


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